Friday, May 01, 2009

Ups and Downs

There are some extreme highs and lows when infants are around.

For instance, a high would be when you realize you're peacefully potting flowers on your deck while your baby sleeps in the shade of a red umbrella.

On the flip side, we have anything that happens between 4:30am and 6am. I can't be held responsible for my behavior during that particular time.

Another high would be the forced relaxation when the baby insists on being held. If you can let go of the dull weight of the knowledge that there's laundry you need to do, you can really enjoy just sitting there. (I held Madeline for quite awhile last night while watching Mr. Bean's Holiday. Fabulous movie. I highly recommend it. If you don't laugh out loud, you need to loosen up.)

Back to the lows: there is the back pain that makes you wonder if paralysis is just one feeding away.

Highs and lows. Just like normal life, except with a little more intensity and a little less rest.


erin lareau said...

I'm glad you're getting outside!!

bdinkins said...

Hey Kate, how are you. Becky and I are in El Paso TX.
Bert Dinkins