Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Off the Grid

We love Colorado, 'cause it offers you the chance to get "off the grid" with little effort. See below picture, where the GPS in Chris' grandmother's car proves by its blankness that we are, indeed, off the grid. Yes, we're well aware that if you're in your grandmother's fancy GPS equipped car, you can't be too far off the grid, but the point still can get to the mountains and smell the fresh air, even if you do have a tiny one in tow.

The traditional "umbrella stroller held aloft" pic of Meridy and Chris in CO.

Chris and me with his dad and uncles on top of Pikes Peak. Don't be impressed, we took the train. But it WAS cold and we did risk threat of lightening strike to take the photo.

Taking pictures makes mommy happy...

Meridy leads Grandpa and Daddy up the mountain.

View of Broadmoor shortly before we got off the grid.

Chris and Mer with his dad and his precious sister Kayle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great pics.!! so glad to see sunshine - kept hearing dire reports! Love the pic. of Meridy leading and also that last shot.

Hated Chris had to return to some of the south's worst weather - I'm sure he's making plans to move