Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Madeline Dresses with Defiance

This afternoon, Madeline wanted to change clothes. We were heading out to run errands and go to a meeting. I didn't have time for her fashion input, or her inability to chose weather-appropriate clothing. I told her that it was too cool for her requested tank top and shorts and that we didn't have time to change. 

I was then distracted, as mothers are, from time to time. 

Five minutes later, I called the girls to the front door. Madeline arrived, wearing completely different clothing than when I had last seen her. Ladies and gentlemen, she seized her independence and dressed herself entirely on her own for the first time, in complete defiance of everything I had told her. She has not been in a hurry to take this developmental step. Apparently she just needed to be told "no." 

I have a feeling this may be prophetic. 

1 comment:

papa and keddi said...

Least she has good taste in t-shirts!