Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Madeline: 21 Months

Still the huggiest baby I've ever known. Still crazy. New nickname: Madly. Sometimes, when I'm cooking, she'll run into the kitchen and do a graceful but strange dance - spinning, arching, waving arms. Music not required. Loves Barnyard Dance and Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb. Loves other mommies and will fight for their laps. Basically cannot get, or give, enough love. Mimics everything Meredith does. Everything with the exception of the really good behavior. Not so interested in that. But good in her own way. And good natured. Reminds us to feed Maggie the cat. Reminds us to pray when we sit down to eat. (But doesn't really eat).

These are post nap pictures. Otherwise, she's generally moving too fast to get a picture.


David and Kedra said...

Well, it's all true. I always want babies to stay babies - but I can't wait to see this one in a few years!! Love her!

Ginger said...

Madly . . . I love it! And I love Madly herself! Us mommies who don't have cuddly babies appreciate yours spreading the love around!