Friday, May 29, 2009

Narrating Your Life for Fun and Profit

I've mentioned before that Meredith sometimes narrates her life. She used to do this under her breath, for her own entertainment. For instance she'd be walking down the hall, and she'd be saying "The little girl walked down the hall quietly." But now she's really taking it to new levels.

Mommy: Meredith, it's nap time.
Meredith: No, mommy, it's not. Fairies do not take naps.
Mommy: This one does.
Meredith: No, mommy. That's my story: "The little fairies do not take naps, because if they do, they will die." And we don't want the fairies to die do we, mommy? We HAVE to follow the story!

As I've said before in similar situations, exactly how does one discipline that which is based completely outside of reality? Don't worry, it's a rhetorical question. Unless you happen to know. Oy.

1 comment:

Jesse Faris said...

Perfect picture for this anecdote. What a crafty little lady. I often imagine songs that should be playing in the soundtrack of my life--maybe you should put Meredith's creative mind to work on that...