Monday, July 21, 2008

Filters and Flashes and Fuzzies - Oh My

Got new filters and a flash for my bday and haven't taken any good pictures yet, but I just thought I'd post some stuff cause otherwise I get abuse from my mom. I'll try to make a more concerted effort in the immediate future.

Mer, fuzzy. On the bike.

Marshall Mulherin -- one of the twins we love.

Parker Mulherin -- the other twin we love.

Neighbor Rick's peaches. We have permission to steal.

Ode to flip flops. Either Marshall or Parker took this with the new flash.

Sunset on my bday.


Jesse Faris said...

We have had some great sunsets lately, eh?

When was your birthday? We could be long lost twins! (Mine was on the 16th)

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you birthday was in July too, like Matthew's.


The Cogan's said...

Happy Birthday Kate, great to see you all the other night.