Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hack Job

I have mentioned before that parenthood is a uniquely humbling experience. And now I've discovered another new way to experience humility. I am officially a mom that I've scorned in the past. I am "Mom Who Spends Inordinant Amounts of Time Worrying about Her Child's Haircut."

In my own defense, Meredith's first haircut was a shatteringly bad haircut. It was the kind that actually called for dramatic action. It would have been entirely appropriate for me to yank her out of the chair halfway through the cut and march out of the store refusing to pay. When I spoke to the "beautician" I specifically said, "Just a bob, please. But not a Hardy Boys haircut and please, not a bowl haircut." I walked out of there with my darling girl looking EXACTLY like a Hardy Boy, but her haircut wasn't as even as theirs. That night, I found several large sections of hair that were a solid inch longer than the rest of the cut.

So the next day, we got Meredith's second haircut. It's better. Not much. Still uneven in spots. Some of the Hardy Boy elements of the original haircut could not be reversed. Nothing to be done but wait. And try not to talk about it.

Because I'm a person to whom appearances don't matter. Right? Ah, humility. I'll say one other thing for the surprises of parenting. For virtually the first time in my life, I'm acting like a girly-girl about this whole thing. The hits just keep on coming.


Ginger said...

They could have shaved her head bald and we'd still think she was the most beautiful little girl we know! We love our Mer-Mer! (And it's really not that bad, K. Honest.)

Anonymous said...

As always Gigi knows best
- the important thing is how does Mer feel about it?
Actually, it's adorable but in your support I do have to say I don't know any haircutter who will cut more than an inch off at a time on long hair.

The Cogan's said...

Ooo, how I had to smile at this post. Every time I take Olly I beg them not to give him a 'Bowl Head'.

Meredith is still a cutie though and I personally think short hair rules !

I hate to say this but the good news is hair does grow back and think of all the money you will save on haircuts for the next few months ;)

Lisa said...

Kate - She is still darling! Maggie's only 6 months old and I am already worrying about her first haircut. I love bobs on little girls! So sweet.

Anonymous said...

WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BABY! Next time bring her to me and I will cut her hair. Believe it or not I gave guys haircuts in college that amazed alot of people (they were mainly mullets that were cut at inappropriate times of the night but at least they were even and flowing mullets). And I agree with everyone else, at least this happened to Mer instead of one of those ugly kids.

1st post.