Monday, December 10, 2007

Yooo-Hawww, Santa!

Meredith is pretty good with words. [Aside: Don't worry, I recognize her weaknesses as well. For instance, she's incredibly bossy.] Anyway, she learns new words and sounds with surprising ease. This alacrity with vocabulary makes it particularly amusing to me that she CANNOT say "Yoo-hoo" -- you know, the traditional "hello, are you out there?" sound. I think she combines Yoo-Hoo and Yee-Haw. And gets Yooooo-Hawwwww. So last night as we strolled home from the park in the near dark and admired the Christmas decorations, Mer looked for Santa. Loudly. YOOOHAWWWWWWWW? SANTA? WHERE ARE YOU?????? If this doesn't make you giggle, try saying Yoo-Haw outloud.

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