Sunday, June 03, 2007

Urban Excursion

We went to Quetzal coffee shop this weekend, to take a break from stealing internet access from our neighbors. While Chris enjoyed the cyber-fruits of our Cafe au Laits, Mer and I took to the streets. This was due mainly to a screaming theme she had going on that afternoon. But we enjoyed ourselves and found some interesting sights in the back alleys of Memphis' "Edge" district.

Obviously, excursions like this one are one of the best reasons to have little people in your lives. Without Screaming MowMow, I never would have known this stuff was back here.

Oh how I wish I had taken some video of Meredith dancing in front of this club. She really didn't want to leave the door, which was open and allowing wafts of dry ice smoke and 80's hits to tempt toddlers who were passing by enroute to more wholesome locales. Thank heaven she didn't try to gain entrance, but she did shake her behind there on the curb for quite awhile.


Anonymous said...

That last one could have been you in an alley in Bflo. hmmm...

Amber, Brian, and Bryson said...

Wow what great pics!! I love the one with her hands on her waist.

Josh said...

Those photos are fantastic. Nice work Kate.

angie c said...

Kate, you have such an eye for photography! Nice work. You have an easy subject to capture beauty.

Ashley said...

Great pics- can you come take some of the Lyd?