Saturday, April 21, 2007

Weekend Warriors

What a great weekend.

First, we went to the "Cancer Never Sleeps" walk. It was a beautiful evening. Meredith "borrowed" a bag of Cheetos from an unsuspecting kid and ate them faster than you can say "orange fingers." She also hung out with the coolest girl at the party, and had a fabulous time running in and out of this tent.

On Saturday, we planted some herbs and flower seeds. Meredith loves gardening. I wouldn't say she's particularly helpful, but she does enjoy it.

Every good red blooded American weekend involves home improvement. In this pic, Meredith points out the problems. Her dad said something about her being a small part of the problem, but he said it quietly and he still thanked her for her help.

Sports time in the backyard with Coach Sugg and Coach Lyndi. I don't know about Walt, but this was Mer's first team sporting event. Lareau is content to ride the bench with his cerveza.

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