Thursday, February 01, 2007

Tivo Gossip

In the spirit of the new year, the updated blog, and the idea that change doesn't have to be scary, I've decided that this blog may not be all Meredith, all the time. Just to entertain myself (and mainly to get feedback from my blog-minded pals), I may from time to time post things that have nothing to do with my precious Jubilee.

Non-Mer topic number one is this: Have you heard the gossip that the corporate monsters will soon make it impossible to fast forward through their commercials when watching shows on DVR? Please, Mister, I watch your commercials if they're good (ie, the Mac vs. PC series), but you have to EARN the right to capture my attention, not just pay a premium for some bully technology. (And I'm using bully in the mean kid sense, not the "that's cool" Brit sense).

So I just did some research, and it looks like maybe we'll still be able to fast-forward, but we'll have to look at banner ads. That doesn't make this story anywhere near the late-breaking premier of non-Meredith topics I was hoping to achieve. However, other news says that the fast-forward button might be completely disabled.

What do you think? If they've got the money, should they be able to MAKE us watch? I guess we could always go back to VCRs...


Anonymous said...

I think the blog should be all about Meredith since it has her name on it.

Guess who?

Unknown said...

Yes mom, I had a feeling that might be your opinion. Shocking, really, that you'd rather discuss your granddaughter than DVR devices :).

Ashley said...

I like it all- the meredith and the non-meredith. I just know how much brainpower it takes to come up with anything nonchild related these days!

Jesse Faris said...

Ok, down to business:

I've been hearing the whole non-ff-to-come doom and gloom for several years. (Do you have the real Tivo or an imposter?) :) I guess I'll believe it when I see it.

But, YES, I wholeheartedly agree that in order for an advertisement to be watched, it must EARN my respect and attention. Amen, sister.