Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sunday in the Garden

Okay, so we don't really have a garden. But I'm going to use poetic license and appropriate the British use of the word garden--which just means yard. Charming, don't you think? Creates a whole different mood.

Whatever the word, the mood in the garden this weekend was good. Sunday was absolutely sublime: perfect breeze, blue skies, puffy white clouds, etc. Meredith and I inspected everything (by which I mean, Mer took a bite of everything).

First there were acorns:

Then the last of the zinnias:

Then we practiced standing:

And considered the wonder of it all.

Happy fall, yall.


Anonymous said...

Happy fall indeed. Shall we make it two weeks in a row for the C.C. patio on Tuesday evening? These beautiful days won't last long . . .

Anonymous said...

Phenomenal photos Kate! Can you send me full res versions? Thanks.