Sunday, June 25, 2006


It's been a tough few days for Meridy. The teething has begun again and she's had the spitting up, the low fever, the inconsistent sleeping: all the joy. She tries to be happy; she wants to be happy; but sometimes it's just too much. So on Sunday afternoon she had just awoken from a not so successful nap and really wasn't feeling too hot. I got her a bottle and put her on her quilt. She holds her bottle now (when she feels like it) , so I just got down next to her on the floor to keep her company. The two of us were flat on our backs on the floor -- me reading, her happily sucking away. After a few minutes, I heard the tell-tale gurgling sound that means she's lost interest in her bottle. I turned away from my book to see what you see in the above picture. Meredith was reading her book, too. It was scary to see how exactly she was imitating me, and how unconscious her behavior was. I hope the impact of this first mirror-image moment stays with me in the coming years!


Anonymous said...

I love, love, love this picture! Let's hope they just pick up our good habits (like reading) and ignore our bad. That's probably what will happen, right? Right?

Anonymous said...

Oh, no!! Another reading monster's been created!!

you know we really mean how wonderful-- this world needs as many more Kates as it can get!

Unknown said...

Mo-om. I'm so embarrased. :).