Sunday, April 28, 2013

Not Asleep

Madi is rarely asleep as early as I think she's asleep. Tonight she called out to me from her dark room.

Madz: Hey Mom. Mom. I want some of those square things with sugar on them.
Me: What? What, you mean some kind of candy? Go to sleep, kid.
Madz: No, not candy. You know, with the sugar. Like we had in Disney while Daddy and Mer rode the roller coaster.
Me: Oh! Beignets!
Madz: Yeah, beignets. I want some beignets, mom.
Me: Me too, babe, me too. Go to sleep, kid.
Madz: You go to sleep, kid.

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keddi and Papa said...

What a blessing - that family trip is what she's thinking back on while going to sleep - shows your $ was well spent!

Network Ace said...

sooo sweet