Let's be clear, any actual rewards should have gone to me (and mostly to the guards) for preventing Madeline from destroying any works of art. A high point was finding her climbing on a column to reach one such priceless item. And now I've been sarcastic, which Meredith hates. But if there was ever a time...
Luckily the end of the exhibit has a pretty impressive children's room. Hats for dressing up, a "cafe" for philosophical pontificating, and more.
Part two of the morning was a performance by the students at New Ballet Ensemble. They re-enacted Degas paintings that were projected behind them in a completely fluid and beautiful way. And did lots more besides. I am consistently blown away by the quality of ballet here in Memphis. I recognize that I know nothing about ballet, but it's always accessible, inspiring and relevant. And that's something.
I want to learn how to make one of those hats! Think MerMer can hook it up?
Oh yeah, babe. All we need is newspaper and duct tape. And feathers.
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