Thursday, April 08, 2010

Easter: Midtown Style

I'm late, I'm late. For a very important date!
--The White Rabbit, Alice in Wonderland

Just a little bunny humor to celebrate my blogging tardiness, since I've been sitting on about 200 pictures in my camera for several days now. Let's start with Midtown Easter hijinks.

The clan with the Bunny. And a fabulous Bunny he was.

The rising Kindergarten class of Peabody Elementary prepares for the hunt.

Walt, Mer, and all of the children, treated the egg gathering expedition as the athletic endeavor it is when there are dozens of kids and an open field involved.

One lovely mom brought cupcakes for all.

Papa. Performing one of his favorite tricks. I think Keddi will be thrilled that I've posted this.

Meredith and Charlotte spent about 20 minutes peacefully trading the toys they'd found in their eggs. There are some political parties that could learn a thing or two about negotiating from these two.

We'll be back soon with Easter, Act II.


Mandy Grisham said...

Great pictures!

keddi said...

I guess for all the years your Daddy worked, with multiple materials, to perfect the trick, he desrves to have it shared with the cyber world!