Monday, January 04, 2010

Just for Fun: Food

If you haven't noticed, my favorite lens doesn't autofocus. So be it. I will attempt to be a real photographer, and MAKE it focus. Right. Not so much.

But just for fun, here are some pics of the food we ate. Because that's mostly what we do.

I was a little vain about my yorkshire puddings. They were so puffy!

This was a very fancy caramel cake. There were approximately 72 steps. It taxed any holiday brain power my mom and I had. (Limited).

Brussels sprouts on the stalk. There is no reason to purchase them on the stalk, other than the fact that they look cool, and the obnoxious girl with the camera can take their picture.

When the rain and the freezing temps force you inside, you have no choice but to eat and exercise.


Anonymous said...

OOOh, you make us look good!

The Cogan's said...

Ok, first of all I am now hungry and second, you can make Yorkshire pudding ??? why oh why have you never told me that....this bedrest thing is starting to drive me insane...all I can think about is food ..can you tell ?

Anonymous said...

If you haven't noticed, my arm is LSD. Because that's mostly what we do.. So be it. Right. I said. Right.... His eyes were glazed and MAKE it focus. A very earnestly. Hell yes, here are some hellhole of grapefruit and MAKE it. I advise you to meet my favorite lens doesn't autofocus.

tia sarah said...

um.... anonymous? whoever you are, get it under control. this be a family blog, thank you very much!