Sunday, June 28, 2009

Happy Hour

About once a month, a group of us have a gathering that we call Happy Hour. Now, don't go picturing frosty martinis and little dishes of cashews, cause this ain't that sort of Happy Hour. But sometimes there are moments of relaxation amid the screams of the children, and sometimes we do get to have conversations in between demands that we participate in the insanity of their activities.

Last night, the kids made little pizzas and then sat peacefully and ate them.

After that, the peace was over. They ran like maniacs through the house, put on numerous "shows," each of which required an adult to introduce them, and generally focused their energy on removing every toy from its normal storage space. But they were happy, and so were we. See: Happy Hour.

Here, we see Meredith dancing (as usual). Walt and John's part in the show was to walk small stuffed animals across the "stage." She just kept dancing. They just kept walking small toys across the carpet. Good stuff. Highly entertaining.


keddi said...

I laughed outloud - my own little "happy hour".

Chip said...

The art of adult conversation over a backdrop of kids yelling is hard to perfect. The alcohol helps.