Saturday, May 23, 2009

Big Day

Friday was a big day for Meredith. I still have trouble believing that she's old enough to be having end of school programs--or to be attending swim lessons--but here we are. As I've said before, I'm glad that Mer isn't shy, because that means I don't have to be anxiety ridden just because she's standing in front of a huge group of people. So the school program is no problem.

Here are the kids right before the show. I love this pic, because they look like tiny teenagers, just standing around, being cool, hanging out. I mean, check out Holden's collar?! (far left)

They sang "It's a Small World" and several other global hits ("Waltzing Matilda" and "Have a Happy St. Patrick's Day") in their Japanese flag shirts. Jack is the sweet boy standing next to Meredith. He was born the same day she was, but he's about as tall as his teachers.

Here, Mer and Lea take a ride on the train during the carnival that followed the program. Meredith would not ride the pony this year. Or jump in the bounce house. Or pet the animals in the petting zoo. But this was fun. As long as she's happy, right?

Anyway, school programs are old hat now, but the swim lessons did cause me some anxiety because Meredith is INCREDIBLY cautious. Her adventurous side only applies in social settings. All week long, I waited for the teacher to say "She completely refused to get in the water" or something to that effect. But it never happened. And it was pure joy to watch her proud smile during their little swim-show for the parents.

They started off by sitting on the step and kicking. I love the different facial expressions in this pic.

Then they showed us how they could walk on the bottom of the pool. You forget what a huge accomplishment this is when you're under 4 feet tall. Meredith almost exploded with pride (she's in the back, behind Walt). Then there was more kicking; Meredith obviously got her Marme's water ballet skills (another story for another day).

We ended the day as you might imagine--putting Meredith to bed about 2 hours earlier than usual. She didn't mind a bit. If only Madeline had gotten the memo...


keddi said...

I put on sunglasses so none would see proud keddi with crocodile tears as tiny Mer bounced and grinned her way across the pool - walking as she was told to.

Anonymous said...

Great post, you will have to tell me where you had lessons...Olly just had them at the swim school and he hated it, even though he goes every weekend with Sean.
Hope we can get to see you soon !

annecase said...

Too cute! Where does Meredith go to school?

The Wilhite Family said...

My how time I'm sure you know! What a seriously big day for Meredith!