Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Car Talk

My apologies to Click and Clack, the car guys, cause we're not as funny as them. But when Meredith is holding forth from the back seat at a rate of about 1000 wpm (words per minute), some of it is bound to be amusing.

[Corner of Poplar and Cleveland, 9am, upon seeing a bum drinking from a paper bag:]
Mommy, do you see that daddy?
Well, yes Mer, I see that man.
He looks tired.
He does.
Mommy, I think that daddy needs a break.
I'm sure he does Mer. I'm sure he does.

[Corner of Summer and Parkway, 3pm, upon seeing an incredible car:]
Mommy, do you see that purple car?
I do see that purple car. Wow.
It's FANCY [fancy is drawn out to approximately 10 syllables]....Hey mommy?
Yes dear?
I don't really want a fancy purple car.
I don't either, honey, I don't either.


Jesse Faris said...

Ha. Love it.

Julie said...

Love it. We used to read Click and Clack in the paper on Saturdays or Sundays or whenever it was in there. We used to heehaw over that.

That makes us sound like a bunch of bumpkins. Oh well.