Friday, May 02, 2008

Everybody's Workin' for the Weekend

Need some rock 'n roll to start your weekend? You've come, perhaps unwittingly, to the right place.

We'll start you out with the really rockin' stuff, and round things out with an acoustic set. On the second one, notice how Mer handles a drumming injury to her thumb. Happy Friday, yall.

PERFORMING DAN ZANES: "Catch that Train"



Ginger said...

Dang. I sure wish I had speakers on my work computer. Oh well. Something to look forward to!

Anonymous said...

This has made a really terrible day a WHOLE lot better. Thank you Kate! Also, seems to me that Walt might have a future in the biz... he's got stage presence. Or couch presence?

Unknown said...

Yeah, the chair was totally Walt's idea. He knows what works for his style of music.

Lisa said...

How fun! That is the cutest thing I have seen all day (aside from my new picnic-plaid pumps! :-))

The Wilhite Family said...

Too funny! When will they be hosting an official concert? I know some men - oh, I mean boys - who love to go to concerts together...perhaps this would be one concert they would arrive and leave at the same time. I know none of them would want to hurt the performers feelings with an early exit - much less a painful exit! (wink! wink!)

Amber, Brian, and Bryson said...

Boy did I love these videos! Can't wait until Bryson starts doing that sorta thing. Thanks for making me giggle!