Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Happy Girl

On a beautiful Sunday morning, Meridy's dad promised her a trip to the park. After her nap, she was determined to take that trip to the park, despite the fact that the beautiful day had become something quite different and her dad was now deeply embroiled in paying taxes. So the trooper and I set off for the park and she played, as children will, as if it was a perfectly park-ish day.

In other news, I have a little tidbit of humor for the 3 people who read this blog who will get it. And 3 may be a stretch. So we're driving down the road yesterday, listening to the blessed WEVL as we do when Her Majesty allows us to deviate from our standard musical diet of Kindermusik, and an Ani Difranco song comes on the radio. I'm enjoying it; I've always enjoyed Ani. And it's one of her more mellow songs, so Mer isn't telling me to turn it down. And then from the back seat I hear, "Mommy, is that lady mad?" I confirmed that Ani sometimes is a little mad, and Mer's advice was: "She needs to feel better." Which is just really funny if you know Ani's music. Especially since it was a song where Ani swears she's NOT mad, just misunderstood. From the mouths of babes, and all that. And that concludes this edition of musical minutia.


Anonymous said...

Thus Papa's philosophy of "just get over it" takes another "prisoner"?,- no advocate - it will stand her in good stead.

Anonymous said...

She looks beautiful and I'm so glad you got a blog in before you left town! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

lil' smartie.

Chris said...

She is so her daddy's girl. Kate has about three of that psychopath's albums. Ani's voice is NEVER mellow. She ALWAYS sounds mad, very mad. Vitriolic. I can't stand her. Good for Mer. I have always wondered why my wife is drawn to Ms. Difranco. What does that say about me? Why does it always have to be about me? It's probably more her parents. Or Matt.

Anonymous said...


Might not remember me...Kim Krosp. I was your secretary at Holley Waldrop. I come on here every so often and see how that beautiful little girl of yours is growing. She is absolutely adorable. I hope things are going great for you and your family.


Anonymous said...

One of my friends dragged me to an Ani DiFranco concert in Austin last year. Haha, I think I'm going to have to side with Meredith on this one. :) Hope all is well!

Jesse Faris said...

You are just very funny and that's all I can say.

And for the record, 32 Flavors is one of my most favorite songs. But I like it better when Alana Davis sings it because she is not quite as angry. :)