Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Am I Blue?

It's nice to know that some things don't change. Every other Friday, Meredith and I go to the bank, she picks a lolly, and then watches to see her tongue turn bright colors that are not found in nature. I remember doing exactly the same thing. Good times. Later in my childhood, I learned that it's pure delight to get a cherry flavored lolly (or better yet, one of those Jolly Rancher sticks that you could lick to a lethally sharp point) and dip it in a glass of Dr. Pepper. Needless to say, quite messy. She's going to have to figure that one out on her own, cause I'm not sharing that idea with her for a couple decades.


Anonymous said...

Oh! Tippy-toes!

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness I never knew about dipping it in Dr. Pepper!

Meredith, however, is precious!

John Amundson said...

What's up with some of your books looking real and some looking fake on your bookshelf? That's pretty trippy man.

Unknown said...

John - do you mean the ones at the top? those are the ones from circa 1830 that i don't need to look at very often ;). i agree that it does look like "wall-o-books" or something.