Saturday, June 30, 2007

21 Months!

Since the 20 month post was so late, it's not like we've got lots of new developments to share with you. So we'll just share lots of pics.

Riding in strollers is for schmucks. Nervously chasing your child and defending the ankles of passersby while she pushes the stroller is for parents of Meredith.

After Meredith was finally relieved of her stroller pushing duties (much to the relief of people trying to enjoy a safe walk on the sidewalks of Memphis), she was cheered up by the sax man.

Gigi keeps Mow safe while she and Walt revel in the wonder of the trolley.

More revelling--the two stare slackjawed at the farmer's market buskers. Dancing came shortly after staring.

Mer and Marshall having a fabulous bath.

How often does Chris take a picture? Not very. But you KNOW he took this one, cause a mommy would never let both children clamp their mouths on the trolley stop railing in downtown Memphis.

Meridy made a mess and cleaned it up. She always likes to clean, but especially if it involves a bag of some sort.

Well, Daddy did take this picture, so he does take breaks from encouraging bad behavior every now and again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What precious people!! Especially the last 2 with such big smiles.