Saturday, October 21, 2006

Big Girl

Mer had her one year check up -- a little late. She still just weighs 20 pounds, and I think she was 29 inches long. She's right in the middle of the ranges for her age group. She took her shots like a champ and was generally charming for the doctor (not so much for me while we waited for the doctor -- I was suddenly overwhelmed by the thought of years waiting in those little patient rooms -- what are they, 6x8? Mer was not thrilled.)

Anyway, she really is expanding her repertoire, so I thought I'd share some pics of some of her big girl activities.

She patiently picks her peas and tofu out of the bowl. This is her current favorite meal. This is her patient face.

She has learned to be gentle with Maggie and she loves her so much. Her most frequently used phrase is "Hi, Keee" -- obviously, "Hi, Kitty." This gets used even when Keee is not just generally means she's happy.

She absolutely loves to turn the music on and off, dancing with renewed energy everytime she hits play again.

She wears bows sometimes -- and pouts sometimes.


Anonymous said...

I'd forgotten you guys got a cat. That very well could keep me from ever visiting Memphis again. Not that I've been out that way much lately....

I was going to voice my complaint for making Mer eat tofu just because it sounds so bad, peas and tofu. But then I remembered that I like both peas and tofu, the peas more though - especially when I watch Joe put a whole stick of butter in with a can of $3 peas. Delicious!

Unknown said...

Dan - The cat is an outside cat 90% of the time, so no worries there. Memphis awaits.

You're more mature than I am about the peas. Every time I eat one of her peas to make sure they're not too hot, I have to hide my gagging face from her. Peas are gross.