Monday, January 09, 2006

3 Months and Counting

Well, we didn't really do a 3 month birthday post since it was right in the middle of the holidays. So here are a couple pictures that show how quickly she's growing and how precious she is. It should be noted that today, January 9, 2006, Meredith figured out how to manipulate a combination of her hands and mommy's hands in order to move the bottle in and out of her mouth. She wasn't hungry in the least, but she was so pleased with her new skill that the bottle game went on for several minutes. This made mommy laugh and guess what Meredith did in response? That's right folks, she laughed. Two firsts in about two minutes.

Another First -- Shoes!

Thanks for letting us borrow the Gymini, Waltie. And good luck with that walking thing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now I want to have a baby girl, for the sole reason of borrowing those little pink shoes. I have never seen anything sweeter.