Madi wrapped up a year of preschool with a fabulous program and a pony ride. The girls and I then headed straight to Arkansas for one of the most relaxing weekends we've had in a long time. Milestone: Meredith, Madeline, and cousin Hadley played on their own for long stretches of time and even made group decisions to go outside on their own and sprint back and forth expending large amounts of energy. Any parent reading this knows that this is huge. Yea for kids who play on their own and wear themselves out!
Meredith and Patrick in their program attire, posing for a shot inspired by the elder generation, circa 2008.
Here we are sans Daddy, who was sorely missed. He was in Colorado, celebrating Kayle's graduation and doing lots of hard work. But, as I said, he was in Colorado. So no pity for him.
And then we hightailed it for the exact middle of nowhere and enjoyed every minute of it.
Sprinting with Hadley (and a bottle of bug spray).
Practicing our spit-takes.
Learning about ocean monsters. So far, no nightmares.