Monday, April 26, 2010

After the Rain

This looks like a place for some rock and roll, right? It's true.

Saturday was a windy, stormy, dark, sunshiny, clear, cool, sparkling day.

Luckily the storm was the morning part of the day and the sparkling part was just in time for Rock-N-Romp. The Dixon gardens weathered the storm beautifully and we followed the sounds of rock and roll down a narrow brick path through dripping trees and drooping azalea blooms. Not a bad way to start the afternoon.

First shout out goes to the amazing board of Rock-N-Romp who continue to put together incredible events. Next shout out goes to the 14 year olds who absolutely rocked - The Motions, they were called. Additional shout out to Glorie - Jeff (blue shirt) and Chris both play for Midtown Soccer Club. Speaking of which, that soccer club could practically be a band. Chris could play the tambourine... But I digress. Hope Clayburn wrapped up the rocking - Meredith and Nora were dancing quite a bit by this point. Meredith especially enjoyed the sax.

Meredith also loved the Dixon's craft offerings. She and Nora made great magnets.

Madeline enjoyed soothing her incoming molar by chewing on her finger. She also enjoyed sitting in exactly the same spot for about 3 hours, good, sweet girl. In keeping with the theme, we'll call that a Tom Petty mullet.

As I'm sure you've noticed, all of these pictures are in focus, were taken with a camera that has a clean lens, and are well composed. That's because I didn't take them - my friend Chip Chockley did. If you're looking for a fabulous photographer in Memphis check his site.

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